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Sabedoria da Floresta: Aprendendo com a Terra

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Desde 2015 trabalhando com sistemas agroflorestais e comunidades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do setor agroflorestal em conjunto com os principais projetos e lideranças no Brasil.


Protecting 100.000ha globally into regenerative land stewardship

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OASA has as a goal to acquire land to form new commons, collectively managed by decentralized autonomous organizations and prototyping a way of life that leaves a positive trace on our planet. This means working to understand how to encourage biodiversity and bolstering the regenerative capacity of our natural ecosystem. It means building resilient food and energy systems that lower our footprint and reduce our reliance on external resources. It means nurturing creativity and human ingenuity. It means rebuilding our relationships to the natural world, to the things we eat, to our neighbors.



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O Instituto Limpa Brasil é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivo promover a conscientização do descarte irregular do lixo por meio da realização de projetos integrados que envolvem a sociedade civil, o setor privado e os órgãos do governo. A partir de 2021 o Instituto passa a contribuir para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável cumprindo com metas através de Governança Sustentável.


Univida is a free university

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Univida is a free university which comes from the union of envisioning lives that seek natural means of life, with the development of skills for a life in harmony with nature, Mother Earth and all living beings. Our mission is to contribute to a planetary regeneration in practice, integrating the regeneration of mind, body and nature through human and planetary healing. Since we understand that regenerating the planet requires transforming educational exclusionary and unhealthy systems, our mission is aligned with the Blue Sky University project. Univida’s first nucleus is located at Colinas do Sul, in the State of Goias, Brazil, 3 hours from the capital of Brazil, Brasília. This nucleus is located at the Chakra Mãe Terra, property of rural settlement coordinated by Cynthia Ribeiro (Mother Of the Moon India), on site for more than 10 years. The Chakra Mãe Terra is a natural sanctuary of the savannah cerrado biome, unique on the planet, cradle of the waters of countless rivers in Brazil and Latin America, with vegetation preserved since the acquisition of the space, but threatened with the expansion of agribusiness, predatory modes of production of nature. We promote many workshops of art, music, bioconstruction and agroforestry that are organized naturally.


Outlet - Instituto Ide

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